Catering Details
Kitchen Staff sets up kitchen/food area, serves food at buffet line and cleans up kitchen/food area
1 Server per 20 guests using Disposables
*1 Server per 15 using Rental
Family Style
Staff serves all courses of the menu on platters to each guest table
1 Server per 15 guests
Plated/Sit Down
Staff will serve each course plated as in a restaurant.
1 server per 10 guests
*Staff Price depends on Event details, timing and location.

Additonal Fees
On site Chef Fee
Staff Hourly Rate
$40 per hour, per server
Minimum 5 hours per server
Non-Alcoholic Beverage Station
Iced Sun Tea - Lemonade - Ice Water
includes Beverage Dispensers and Ice
Coffee & Tea Service
includes Coffeemakers and disposal cups
$10 per guest
*Ice delivered for entire event varies on season, guest count and location.
Disposable Plates, Plasticware & Napkins
$8 per person
Rental Facilitation- *If You do not have a Event Coordinator I can make your rental arrangements.
Cake Cutting plus Service and clean up $125
*For food orders/Events larger than 25 guests.
$50+ $5 per mile; i.e If the delivery address is 20 miles from Paso Catering Kitchen, the delivery cost would be $150
* Less than 25 guests is Pick Up Only